En esta ocasión os enseño una viñeta original modelada por Antonio Zapatero y que he tenido el gusto de poder pintar. La viñeta representa a un veterano sargento de la Guardia Imperial, el cual está brindando con un niño que ha estado jugando a ser soldado (exactamente un tambor) y se ha hecho su chacó con papeles y cartones, se ha pintado una escarapela y la chapa frontal, saludando muy marcial al veterano. Espero que os gusten las figuras que están basadas en un antiguo grabado de Charlet (soldado y pintor contemporáneo de la época napoleónica).
In this occasion I show you an vignete modeled by Antonio Zapatero, and that I have had the pleasure of paint it. The vignete represents a veteran sergeant of the Imperial Guard, who is drinking with a child who has been playing at being soldier (exactly a drummer) and he has become his shako by papers and cartons, a rosette an the frontal sheet has made up, greeting very martial at the veteran. I hope that you like the figures that are based on Charlet's engraving (soldier and painter contemporary of the napoleonic epoch).